Quality Service since 2011

What's In Stock?

Blue DJ Tiger : In stock, 1 available
White Sharp-claw Tiger : In stock, 1 available
Tu-tu Tiger : In stock, 2 available

Lightning Bolt Wolf : In stock, 1 available
Pink Antennae Wolf : In stock, 2 available
Chicken Hat Wolf : In stock, 1 available

Sports-Hat Seal : In stock, 1 available
Tiria Seal : In stock, 1 available
Top Hat Seal : In stock, 2 available

Bug-Eyed Bunny : In stock, 3 available
Lazer Glasses Bunny : In stock, 2 available
Bow-Tie Bunny : In stock, 1 available

Rainbow Crocodile : In stock, 2 available
Dragon Crocodile : Out of Stock, Unavailable
Knife Crocodile : In stock, 1 available

Armor Horse : Out of Stock, Unavailable
Strawberry Horse : In stock, 1 available
Top Hat Horse : Out of Stock, Unavailable

Tiria Panda : Out of Stock, Unavailable
'Rockin Shades Panda : In stock, 2 available
Eyepatch Panda : In stock, 2 available

Bow-Tie Penguin : In Stock, 1 Available
Oversised Glasses Penguin :  In Stock, 1 Available
Lacy Bow Penguin : In Stock, 1 Available

Top Hat Elephant : Out of Stock, Unavailable
Mammoth Elephant : In stock, 2 available
Rockstar Shades Elephant : In stock, 1 available

Lacy Bow Rhino : In stock, 1 available
Spiky Rhino : Out of Stock, Unavailable
Green Monocole Rhino : In stock, 1 available

Lazer-Eyed Monkey : Out of Stock, Unavailable
Funky 'Do Monkey : In stock, 1 available
Bright Green Glasses Monkey : In stock, 1 available

Daisy Koala : In stock, 1 available
Shiny Silver Mowhawk Koala : In Stock, 1 Available
Mexican Wrestler Koala : In stock, 2 available

Cozy Sock Giraffe : In Stock, 1 Available
Mushroom Army Cap Giraffe : Out of Stock, Unavailable
Dragon Giraffe : Out of Stock, Unavailable

Naughty Shoe Fox : Out of Stock, Unavaible
Afro Fox : In Stock, 1 Available
Pinwheel Hat Fox : Out of Stock, Unavailable

Carnival Plushies : In stock, 5 available: Mini Owl, Monkey, Fox, Spider & Dolphin

King Lion : Out of Stock, Unavailable
Pirate Lion : In stock, 1 available
Proffessor Lion : Out of Stock, Unavailable

Gecko Plushie : In stock, 1 available
Orange Gecko Plushie : Out of Stock, Unavailable

Cami's Frog : Out of Stock, Unavailable

Giant Black Monocole Wolf : Out of Stock, Unavailable

Pufferfish : In stock, 1 available
Red Panda : In stock, 1 available

Touch Pool Plushies : In stock, All Available x1

Phantom Plushies : Out of Stock, Unavailable

Giant Lion Plushies : In stock, 1 available (White)

Lion Plushies: In Stock, 3 Available: Red, Black and Purple


  1. can i reserve the white giraffe plushi?.

    1. Sure! Just gimme your username, and I will buddy you! WHenever I am online next you can visit my den and purchase your plushie!

    2. When you get a blue raccoon, can you deserve it for me?

    3. plz may i have a mini owl and when u have dragon girraff can u reserve that for me too? i am whightfang

    4. Hey can I reserve a cozy sock giraffe thanks! username: Sakura91970

  2. Hi!
    Can I Purchase the Funky 'Do Monkey? My username is tall006.

  3. Can you please reserve the Tutu Tiger? I've been looking for one for ages.
    I'm imcute32, send me a Jam-A-Gram if you'd like! I'm not on at the moment, and I don't remember if my buddy requests are on.

  4. hi, can i please reserve 5 gecko plushies please. thank you!

    1. if your online and i am online please buddy me and i will trade for them at your den. THX

  5. Hi can i have like 2 gecko plushies? thanks my user is morgan35173 X3

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Ok, so, WHENEVER you have Cami's Frog, I want it. And, may I reserve the King Lion? Thanks!

  8. can I have the king lion the only prob is I got scammed with all my best rares so I have pretty bad stuff :(

  9. Hi, my user is shelbyaoj

    I'd like the following:

    Rainbow Crocodile
    King Lion
    Pirate lion
    Giant Lion

    Tell me when your on,

    my youtube is animaljelly if you'd like to contact me further
    happy jamming

    1. Oh, also I'd like

      x5 green geckos
      Mexican Wrestler Koala
      Funky 'do monkey
      monocle rhino

      I know I have a big order, and will pay with an account with the amount it costs.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. have any eagle plushies for trade?

  11. I don't want any specific plushie, yet, but can you save my username in case I want one later? It's pendrake.

  12. have any rare eagle plushies? I just need one more.

  13. HI
    Can i request a king lion and 3 geckos?
    Username: icecream9795
    Status: Member (in case u wanted to know)
    When is on: 3.00pm to around 7.00pm or 8.00pm

    I will play games with you, so does that mean you send? Or do i play games and then u send?

    Thanks ~icecream9795

  14. I need the following:

    king lion
    proffeser lion
    red giraffe
    afro fox
    spinhat fox thing
    lions: those are the only 2 I need left then I would have a full collection
    giraffe: collection
    foxes: collection
    and also, can we be buddies? And, when you get the raccoon with the cape can u reserve one for me? My raccoon got hacked......
    status: nm ( Non Member just in case u don't know T.T)

    1. Oh and on weekdays I'm at school and my mom works there so I may not be on until 4:00 pm and I get off around sometime before 8:00 pm
      on weekends I get up around 8:00 am and i go to bed around 12:00 am

    2. Oh and my user is doctorwhotardis118

  15. Hi! If it isn't too difficult I'd like too reserve the Blue DJ tiger. I'm loveandcupcakes2402!
    Happy Jamming!

    1. Oh and I want to play a game to earn the amount and I only want one! Thanks!

    2. Sorry but I would also like to reserve all the raccoons EXCEPT for the Rocket Raccoon. Thanks again!

    3. May I please reserve one top hat elephant? Green if possible please. Thanks! :) User= funkydelly89

    4. Also, I am currently on Israel time but will be on U.S. time in a few days. Thanks again!

  16. can you reserve the daisy koala for me my username on AJ is toffieapple2

    1. Please its really important
      Also if anyone has a black koala and/or a blue kangaroo with rainbow please comment your username

    2. Also a white kangaroo

  17. I would like to reserve some plushies. First off the tutu lion plushie qty:1 I would only like one. I also would like a carnival plushie. qty:2 I want the mini freedom duck. And I would also like a giant lion plushie qty: 1 I want the white one. I you have a yellow bunny I would like that one. I would also like the bow tie bunny qty:1 i only want one.
    Username: dramatickohbe12

    1. I would like to buy an item 100 gems more valuable and trade it to you for a worthless item.

    2. Oh and I want 5 geckos. And tell me whenever you have the cami's frog in stock.

  18. Hello! my username is: 2deafdogs I would like 1 gecko plushie please! Thanks!

  19. Can I reserve a gecko plushie? My username is karnold808

  20. Hello do you mind reserving a Rocking Shades panda for me and im a little confused on prices how much do I need to pay? Like If I trade you a plushie with a little accessory will that pay the price? BTW my username is Mollymoon

  21. Could I have the blye dj tiger I'm StormyGriffin11

  22. Can u reserve for me all the eagle plushies? I'm Drakosha01.

  23. Hey
    Can i reserve the epic fox plushie
    THANK you


  25. Hi,
    Can u reserve for me the Fox that turns into a ball, Giant raccoon plushie,gecko plush, and any eagle plush?
    Oh yeah i am Drakosha 01, and can u please buddy me?

  26. Hi can i reserve a cami frog and a epic fox or bunny plushie my use: Ajplayer77555

  27. I want: DJ tiger, Tiara seal, Chicken Hat Wolf, Bowtie bunny, Bowtie penguin, Spiked rhino, Mohawk koala, Cozy Cock giraffe, and green gecko.

  28. can I please have a lion plush (any color)
    username is princesscutewolf233

  29. can I please have the gecko plush (green) username is princesscutewolf233

  30. can i have gecko plushie i dont care what color username is lenny9

  31. can i have gecko plushie i dont care what color username is lenny9

  32. Can I have a lightning bolt wolf...


  33. 1. can we be buddies for the fun of it
    2. can I have glasses elephant
    3. my username is tigergirl88911
    4.i have 2 plushie store accounts
    5. they are...
    6. warriorcatsrock23:normal plushies
    7. plushiekingdom101:special plsuhies
    8. btw I have claws in my den
    9. sorry for all the numbers
    10. plz respond
    11. bye!

  34. btw (tigergirl88911 again) this is my new favorite blog ;)

  35. i love this can i plz have gecko plushie and can u tell me where to get epic plushies in real life! thx my username is : SunnyBunny01 jam-a-gram me ! i love this blog!

  36. im SunnyBunny01 i would like to reserve a cami frog plushie

  37. Username: puzzle11fashion2014
    Plushies that i want:
    1.tutu tiger
    2.pink antannae wolf
    3.tiria seal
    5.cami frog
    6.rhino lacey bow

  38. Hi, could i maybe give some plushies? i have extra phantoms, and i see they are out of stock, thanks!

  39. I went into the den, and saw a epic giraffe plushie, is that for sale?

  40. i want the lazer glasses bunny my username is supertails12

  41. Hello! My username is the Plushieranger, I would like to reserve a king lion whenever available. I will trade rare pigtails for it, but that's all about I would like. Thank you!

  42. I need the following:
    Pink antennae wolf (x2)
    lightning bolt wolf (x1)
    chicken hat wolf (x1)
    afro fox (x1)
    My user is Drakosha01

  43. Hello may i please reserve the following 1 gecko a camis frog if in stock a king lion and that will be all my username is warriorcatslover256 and i will pay by forfiting games

  44. May i have the tutu tiger?
    I am Shyflowey

  45. I have lots of special plushies available in my den, and i would like to trade them to you. My username is tiger57198.
